May 30, 2010

what happened to m!ss cherry??

Ape aku nk jwb eh bile sumone asked me.. How's your life? Hurmmm stared at him, and then said.. Nothing's happened atau pon patot ke aku ckp my life oke laa.. I dont feel great but I dont regret anything.. Ye laaa.. Tak kan aku nk nyesal atas ape yg aku pilih.. Cewahhh (mcm x sangka lak aku ckp mcm ni).. Ekcely m!ss cherry x suke idop mcm ni.. Benci taw nggak.. Tp xpe, slagi miss cherry sabar, miss cherry sabar laaa.. Lgpon ustaz kn penah ajar... SABAR SEPAROH DR IMAN..:))


SHaRKFiQ SSM said...

sabar tu sebahagian dr iman r, bkn separuh..hee~

Nurliana Nukilan Simetry said... ke sebahagian dr iman??
ish3..apa la ustaz miss cherry tu ckp kn..tah2 miss cherry yg x dgr btol2..haha


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